Friday, 25 February 2011

Audience Feedback: New Lyric Board + Background Designs:

Feedback Analysis:

Out of 10 feedback forms, only one (shown above) preferred figure 2, in relation to the background. This is because it seemed more natural, which that particular person must have preferred. The audience tended to prefer the new lyric boards, because they looked more professional and stood out more. In addition, the old lyric boards looked more "personal" and where easier to read, but the new lyric boards where more "interesting". Taking this in to account, I have decided that I will use the new lyric boards, by filming the entire sequence with them. However, I am going to test them with the audience again, as on film they may not stand out. I will get them to choose between the new and the old lyric boards, once again, which will determine what my final product will look like. I will also be using the colourful backgrounds in my music video, for certain, because the audience stated that it looked more eye-catching, modern and professional. It also goes with my Russian Constructivism visual style, as do the lyric boards, and so that is an even greater reason to incorporate the backgrounds in to my music video.

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