Wednesday, 2 March 2011


Music videos have to be catchy. I have come to realise this, and it's common knowledge, in the media world, that music videos have to grab the audience's attention right from the beginning (making the beginning the most important of the entire music video) and from a long distance. This is the main reason why I have decided to add the colours on to the photographs, as when they flash and change colour and place to the sound of the beat, coupled with the intrigue of the lyric board idea, the music video will draw the audience in from a distance and from up-close. In relation to this, I have finished editing all of my industrial photographs, adding the colours on to them in different orders/places, and have also imported them on to the editing suite. As you already know, I have found that the audience preferred the new backgrounds, so I have begun editing them together, to the beat of the music. Due to the positive feedback of my lyric boards, I have decided to use them, and as you know, I have also screen-tested them, and will therefore be filming the new lyric board sequence in the coming days. Below is how my music video is currently coming along, with the previous lyric board footage shown, which, depending on how the new sequence turns out, may or may not be used on the final edit.

Some of the cuts are also out of tune to the beat, which I will fix ASAP.

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