Monday, 8 November 2010


Actor found:
I have found a person to hold up the lyric boards in my music video. His name is Billy Minns and he meets the criteria of 'young' and 'cool', as well as having a stylish alternative style. I used him in my music magazine in the foundation portfolio for the same reason, so I know he will be a good actor; all I need him to do is pull a care-free, bored face.

I have decided that my music video will parody 'Subterranean Homesick Blues' by Bob Dylan, but not in a 'vicious' way, as I believe it is clever. However, parodying it will simply expand on the music video's idea, allowing more things to be happening, such as none of the cards having the right lyrics on them (they may be done backwards or simply be the lyrics of a completely different song) and featuring messages such as "HEY MOM!".

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